Sunday, February 16, 2020

The Unsuccessful Candidate

The Unsuccessful Candidate

  • Missed some basic details. You have 5 years of work experience, but with which firm ?
  • Did not use highlights, which meant that the reviewer had to spend more time looking out for said highlights and hence lost interest.
  • Talked about what their previous employer achieved while not making it clear what the candidate was responsible for. 
  • Had modified the resume to match the job description. We would have anyway found out about the misfit during the interview, so why bother? 
  • Talked about extra curricular interests during infancy or childhood. Also, watching TV or surfing the internet is not a hobby by any stretch of imagination!
  • Claimed that the candidate was a Jack of all Trades and Master of All!
  • Used Shashi Tharoor level words, or those only GRE test takers would not get flabbergasted about. Please use the resume as a tool to communicate clearly, not to impress with vocabulary.

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