Sunday, February 16, 2020

The Unsuccessful Candidate

The Unsuccessful Candidate

  • Missed some basic details. You have 5 years of work experience, but with which firm ?
  • Did not use highlights, which meant that the reviewer had to spend more time looking out for said highlights and hence lost interest.
  • Talked about what their previous employer achieved while not making it clear what the candidate was responsible for. 
  • Had modified the resume to match the job description. We would have anyway found out about the misfit during the interview, so why bother? 
  • Talked about extra curricular interests during infancy or childhood. Also, watching TV or surfing the internet is not a hobby by any stretch of imagination!
  • Claimed that the candidate was a Jack of all Trades and Master of All!
  • Used Shashi Tharoor level words, or those only GRE test takers would not get flabbergasted about. Please use the resume as a tool to communicate clearly, not to impress with vocabulary.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Bharat Net

A Few Words About Bharat Net

What is it?

It is an amazing initiative started by the Indian Government which will help in empowering the rural areas of India with knowledge through technology at speed. The plan is to connect 2,50,000 Gram Panchayats and Districts with Fiber Optic Cables as this brings new business and the ability to access  vast knowledge through internet. This also gives rise to ISPs in those areas which in turn leads to more jobs and money which is earned back through various taxes from all of these ventures. 

How are they making this happen?

They are doing this in 3 stages, the first stage started in 2017. The goal here was to reach 1 lac Gram Panchayats, which was achieved in the month of December 2017.

The Second Stage

Which we are in right now, here the goal is to reach 2,50,000 Gram Panchayats and Districts within December 2020 which is a mammoth feet to be achieved since it takes lacs of kilometers of cable to be laid in just 329 days. This will eventually give rise to thousands of ISPs popping up, which is a great businesses opportunity which by in turn will result in thousands of jobs and access to unlimited information. This is a big step towards Digital India by the Center.

The Third Stage

Here the goal is to make sure a fiber optic cable reaches to every nook and cranny of our country so that data can be sent, received  and analyzed from any part of the country for many purposes like defense, disaster relief, agriculture, education, etc.

How is it Helpful?

This will also give rise to service based industry in the rural areas, which opens up to equal opportunities for every one and also avoids clustering of population in major cities. In the Government side of business, new initiatives can be done where candidates can write their public sector exams in an exam center near their home. And the benefits list is pretty long. At the end of the day I feel happy as a tax payer to fund such initiatives.

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